We offer a world-class assay service,
built on integrity and precision.

Assaying services

With one of the most advanced and best equipped precious metals assay laboratories in the southern hemisphere, our team work to guarantee assay accuracy. When it comes to assay accuracy, people matter. We make sure our chemists and assayers are rigorously trained in this type of analysis as it means all the difference in maximising your return. Our refinery meets the requirements of five global gold exchanges and are regularly audited by the LBMA.

Advanced technology


Guaranteed accuracy

  • Our accuracy in gold analysis has been tested to be within 0.001% for gold by the LBMA, the world’s premier regulatory body.
  • Compliant with American Standards, our assay process has been perfected over many years, offering you complete trust in our guarantee of assay integrity.

Immersion dip sampling

The technique to extract representative samples from well-mixed metal prior to analysis.

Bullion fire assay

The method used to separate precious metals from base metals.

Spark emission technology

A technique to determine impurities and measure purity of refined gold and silver.

We have a passion for precision